Welcome to Swamp Rat Video where we put a new twist on an old platform. This site will be dedicated to providing a cheaper alternative to all your video needs. We can convert old 8MM, Super 8MM, VHS, and even personal DVDs to digital format. You will be able to download or view the video files directly from your Computer, Phone, or Tablet and share them with friends and family. We offer several plans to to meet your budget. Swamp Rat Video is dedicated to providing you better service then the larger converting companies. You will save money in the long run by choosing Swamp Rat Video because we have all the converting tools including hardware and software located in one place and all under one roof. Our Production Facility is temperature controlled to ensure that your priceless original media does not endure extreme heat and humidity damage. The Swamp Rat Video Complex is located near the Philadelphia International Airport, that puts us the closest to all the major shipping companies to minimize shipping transit times. Please email us at SRV@SwampRatVideo.com to get a quote or to inquire more about our services


Thank You


Jason "Toecutter" Olson

(C) 2020 Swamp Rat Video